

问题一:冰雪奇缘插曲 你是不是想堆个雪人 的中英文歌词,谢谢!急急急! Elsa+ 艾莎 Do you want to build a snowman+ 你想不想来堆雪人+ Come on let’s go and play 快点出来一起玩 I never see you anymore 我好久没看到你了 Come out the door+ 赶快出来吧 It’s like you’ve gone away 感觉好像你已经消失了一样 We used to be best buddies 我们曾经如此要好 And now we’re not 现在却不是了 I wish you would tell me why 真希望你能让我知道是为什N Do you want to build a snowman+ 你想不想来堆雪人 It doesn’t have to be a Snowman 不是堆雪人也没关系啦 (8-Year-Old Elsa) Go away+ Anna 走开 安娜 (5-Year-Old Anna) Okay+ bye 好吧 掰掰 (9-Year-Old Anna) Do you want to build a snowman 你想不想来堆雪人 or ride our bike around the halls+ 还是在城堡大厅里骑脚踏车+ I think some pany is overdue 我想我超需要一些夥伴 I’ve started talking to the pictures on the walls 我已经开始和墙上的画们聊天了 (Hang in there+ Joan+) (坚持下去压 贞德) It gets a little lonely+ 是有那一点点寂寞 All these empty rooms+ 在这宽敞的房间里 Just watching the hours tick by 看著时间一分一秒走过 (tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock) (15-Year-Old Anna) Elsa+ 艾莎+ Please+ I know you’re in there+ 我求你 我知道你就在里面 People are asking where you’ve been+ 大家都在问你到哪去了 They say have courage; 大家告诉我们”要勇敢” And I’m trying to+ 我努力尝试著 I’m right out here for you 陪伴在你身旁 Just let me in 拜托让我进去 We only have each other 我们只剩下彼此了 It’s just you and me 只剩你和我 What are we gonna do+ 我们该如何是好 Do you want to build a snowman+ 你想不想来堆雪人 We only have each other 我们只剩下彼此了 It’s just you and me 只剩你和我 What are we gonna do+ 我们该如何是好 Do you want to build a snowman+ 你想不想来堆雪人.+ 问题二:你想玩堆雪人吗的歌词 Frozen – Do you want to build a snowman+ 你想不想来堆雪人+ 中文歌词 【冰雪奇缘 Frozen 电影插曲】 (5-Year-Old Anna) Elsa+ 艾莎 Do you want to build a snowman+ 你想不想来堆雪人+ Come on let’s go and play 快点出来一起玩 I never see you anymore 我好久没看到你了 Come out the door+ 赶快出来吧 It’s like you’ve gone away 感觉好像你已经消失了一样 We used to be best buddies 我们曾经如此要好 And now we’re not 现在却不是了 I wish you would tell me why 真希望你能让我知道是为什N Do you want to build a snowman+ 你想不想来堆雪人 It doesn’t have to be a Snowman 不是堆雪人也没关系啦 (8-Year-Old Elsa) Go away+ Anna 走开 安娜 (5-Year-Old Anna) Okay+ bye 好吧 掰掰 (9-Year-Old Anna) Do you want to build a snowman 你想不想来堆雪人 or ride our bike around the halls+ 还是在城堡大厅里骑脚踏车+ I think some pany is overdue 我想我超需要一些夥伴 I’ve started talking to the pictures on the walls 我已经开始和墙上的画们聊天了 (Hang in there+ Joan+) (坚持下去压 贞德) It gets a little lonely+ 是有那一点点寂寞 All these empty rooms+ 在这宽敞的房间里 Just watching the hours tick by 看著时间一分一秒走过 (tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock) (15-Year-Old Anna) Elsa+ 艾莎+ Please+ I know you’re in there+ 我求你 我知道你就在里面 People are asking where you’ve been+ 大家都在问你到哪去了 They say have courage; 大家告诉我们”要勇敢” And I’m trying to+ 我努力尝试著 I’m right out here for you 陪伴在你身旁 Just let me in 拜托让我进去 We only have each other 我们只剩下彼此了 It’s just you and me 只剩你和我 What are we gonna do+ 我们该如何是好 Do you want to build a snowman+ 你想不想来堆雪人.+ 问题三:冰雪奇缘的插曲:你想不想堆个雪人的英文版歌词(最好是加上中文, 我不想来堆雪人(TheSnowman),但你真的不要去吧。















